Source Anime: Pumpkin Scissors
Style: Pumpkin Spiced Holiday Saison
Brewed: 10/14/07
Bottled: 11/11/07
OG: 1.065
TG: 1.013
Color: 7.18 SRM
Bitterness: 36.6 IBU
Alcohol: 6.9 %
6.5 lbs Dry Extra Light Extract
0.5 lbs American 6-row Pale malt
0.5 lbs Munich Malt
0.25 lbs Belgian Aromatic
0.5 lbs Dextrine malt
0.5 lbs Belgian Wheat malt
1 oz Bitter Orange Peel – (steeped in vodka and added to secondary)
1 oz Cinnamon (crushed - steeped in vodka and added to secondary)
1 oz Nutmeg (fresh grated – steeped in vodka and added to secondary)
1 tsp Coriander (crushed)
1.5 oz Tettnanger Hops (60 min)
1.0 oz Tettnanger Hops (15 min)
1.0 oz Tettnanger (1 min)
Wyeast Belgian Saison Yeast
2 months after brewing: The spices are quite strong. It is obvious that this is going to need a bit more aging. -Greg
4 months after brewing: The spices are beginning to meld and mellow somewhat. It is now possible to begin picking out the individual flavors. A really nice vanilla note has showed up, although cinnamon is still a bit of a bully. Cold storage is helping immensely. -Greg
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