Friday, April 24, 2009

Equipment Lists for Homebrewing - Hentai-Brau - Mystic Brewers of The Inebriati

Equipment Lists

Things needed for boiling day:
1) 5-gallon brewing pot
2) 2-gallon pot for sparge water
3) 1-gallon pot for grains
4) Large funnel
5) Long metal spoon
6) Air-lock (3 parts)
7) Blow-off tube
8) 6-gallon carboy
9) Rubber stopper or carboy-cap
10) Thermometer
11) Thermocouple (or second thermometer)

12) Rubber spatula
13) Can-opener
14) Pot to warm cans of extract

15) Rolling pin for crushing grain
16) Several large plastic bags
17) Tongs
18) Basting bulb or large syringe
19) Paper towels
20) Scissors
21) Timer
22) Paper-clip
23) Large nylon bag for grains
24) Small nylon bag for hops
25) Bucket of sanitizing solution

  • Also need 5 gallons of spring water or a combination of Distilled and spring. Avoid tap water as it contains chlorine.
  • 10 lbs of ice per 5 gallons of wort
  • 2 Tbsp of salt for use with salt
  • Many bottles of good beer.

Note: Red text indicates equipment that needs to be sanitized.
Blue text indicates utensils used only with liquid malt extract

Things needed for racking to secondary:
1) 4-foot of plastic hosing
2) Racking cane
3) Racking cane tip

4) Hose clamp
5) 5-gallon carboy
6) Air-lock (3 parts)
7) Rubber stopper or carboy cap
8) 2 siphon tube holders
9) Jar for waste beer
10) Basting bulb or large syringe
11) Bucket of sanitizing solution

Things needed for bottling:
1) 48-56 12 oz bottles (32 22-oz bombers)
2) Racking cane

3) 4-foot of plastic hosing
4) Hose clamp
5) 2 siphon tube holders
6) jar for waste beer
7) Basting bulb or large syringe
8) Bottle filler tube

9) 4-cup measuring cup to catch sanitizing solution
10) 1 gallon pot for boiling caps
11) Bottle capper
12) 48-56 bottle caps
13) 1 gallon pot for boiling priming sugar
14) 1 cup of dry malt extract or 3/4 cup of dextrose
15) Bucket of sanitizing solution

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