Official Label:

Special Edition Label:

Personal Beer: Scott-Brau
Source Anime: Cowboy Bebop
Style: Scotch Wee Heavy/Scottish Strong Ale
Brewed: 10/09/05
Bottled: 10/16/05
Batch: 5 gallons
OG: 1.084
TG: 1.019
Color: 20.13 SRM
Bitterness: 22.8 IBU
Alcohol: 8.6% (too high)
Cost to Brew: $41.63
Calories per 12 oz: 337.2
7.0 lbs John Bull Light Malt Extract
3.0 lbs Dry Light Malt Extract
8 oz 6-row pale malt
8 oz roasted barley
8 oz British Crystal malt 55 L
4 oz peat smoked barley (double to quadruple this for lightly smoked malt)
1 oz Kent goldings hops (120 minute boil)
1 oz Fuggles hops (30 min)
No finishing hops
White Labs Edinburgh Ale yeast
Way over-carbonated for a Scotch Ale. Unfortunately, two weeks is nowhere near long enough for primary fermentation. It really needed a secondary fermentation. We cut the priming sugar by a fourth, but half might be better. It is recommended that a higher content of smoked malt be used. Lots of fruit flavors – orange, cherry, lemon, blackberry, apple – they are all in there. Slight, hoppy-earthiness at the end. The flavors are out of control – almost like a soda. Lots of yeast sediment. Needed second fermentation to remove the yeast. -Greg
Update: After 1 year, the bottles are far less likely to explode when opened. The crazy-strong fruit flavors have mellowed and a bit of roasted malt flavor has developed. -Greg
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