Source Anime: Perfect Blue
Style: Blueberry-Honey Wheat Ale
Brewed: 04/01/07
Bottled: 05/06/07
Batch: 5 gallons
OG: 1.055
TG: 1.011
Color: 6.77 SRM
Bitterness: 10.2 IBU
Alcohol: 5.7%
Cost to Brew: $29.40
Calories per 12 oz: 252.4
3.3 lb Liquid Wheat Malt Extract
2 lb Dry Extra Light Malt
2 lb Blueberry Blossom Honey
8 oz 6-row pale malt
8 oz Honey Malt
4 oz Blueberry flavor extract
0.5 oz Hallertau (60 min)
0.5 oz Hallertau (15 min)
0.5 oz Hallertau (1 min)
8 oz lactose
White Labs American Hefeweizen Yeast
The honey introduced all sorts of fermentation problems. It took about 3 weeks in the primary before the bubbling slowed enough to transfer. There were practically no blueberry flavors, but a nice honey note drops in at the end. There is a problematic astringent quality, probably due to the honey. This stuff is richer and more alcoholic than style would dictate. It was certainly drinkable, but not fantastic. -Greg
Update: After about 4 months, all of the astringency problems are gone and the brew has picked up a wonderfully sweet-fruit note. This actually ended up better than the Hazelnut Red, which grew soft with age. Fantastic after 8 months. Possibly the best or second best brew so far. -Greg
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