Above is the reformatted label for ToW I. There exists a label for ToW II and we are currently searching for it.
Source Anime: Azumanga Daioh
Style: German Hefeweizen
Brewed: 09/17/06
Bottled: 10/03/06
Batch: 5 gallons
OG: 1.051
TG: 1.012
Color: 6.11 SRM
Bitterness: 12.1 IBU
Alcohol: 5.0%
Cost to Brew: $29.92
Calories per 12 oz: 200.8
6.6 lbs Alexander's Wheat Malt extract
8 oz 6-row pale malt
8 oz German Light Wheat Malt
4 oz Dextrin Malt
0.5 oz Hallartau hops (60 min)
0.5 oz Hallartau hops (15 min)
0.5 oz Hallartau hops (1 min)
White Labs Hefeweizen Ale Yeast
Unsure if Greg's notes that follow belong to ToW I or II, will edit at a later date
Awesome. More spicy than fruity. Has low carbonation due to the use of 1 cup DME rather than 1 cup corn sugar. The mouth-feel is fairly thick for a hefeweizen, due to both the wheat malt and the dextrine malt. We might try using malted wheat next time. -Greg
There's been some discussion about if this counts as number 8 since it's a redux. I voted yes as it is a different recipe and it seems I won by sheer accident. I am totally okay with that. -Holly
Update: After 6 months, the banana notes really picked up and it developed a bit of sweetness actually and fruit esters. Still awesome. -Greg
Update: After 1 year, the fruit is almost entirely gone, but the heavy mouthfeel has only increased. It is richer and deeper in complexity, but barely tastes like a hefeweizen any longer. -Greg
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