Source Anime: Azumanga Daioh
Style: Raspberry Wheat Ale
Brewed: 06/26/05
Bottled: 07/03/05
As with our first brew, this second brew was based on a kit. Following is our best recollection of the kit and what we added.
Kit Estimation
3.3 lbs of Munton & Fison liquid light pale-malt extract
3.3 lbs of Munton & Fison liquid Wheat malt extract
1.5 oz hallertau hops (Believe to have added half of the hops at 60 min and the remainder at 30 min)
0.5 lbs crystal malt
2 oz raspberry extract (at flame out)
American Hefeweizen Ale Yeast
We hope to try this again this summer, following is the recipe we are thinking of using.
Batch: 5 gallons
OG: 1.045
TG: 1.009
Color: 6.01 SRM
Bitterness: 20.7 IBU
Alcohol: 4.7%
Cost to Brew: $28.05
Calories per 12 oz: 176.4
3.3 lbs Alexander’s Pale Malt Extract
3.3 lbs Alexander’s Wheat Malt Extract
1.0 oz hallertau hops (60 minute boil) (17 IBU)
0.5 oz hallertau hops (5 minute boil) (3 IBU)
4 oz. Raspberry extract
White Labs Hefeweizen Ale yeast
Crazy lambic taste upon opening. Sourness is almost overwhelming but doesn't specifically taste like raspberry. Contamination is suspected, but most of us don't mind as we find it quite tasty as is. -Holly
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